The tax office can recover the student loan


A few weeks ago 100 former student received a letter from the tax office to immediatelly pay back their loan or began enforcement proceedings against them.

Last year, more than a thousand people were unable to pay the minimum 4410 Huf minimum monthly installments. Another problem is that many of the former students try to finance the repayment from a second loan.
Many university and college students pays for extra lessons, books photocopy and notes others use the loan to pay for their sublets and accomodation. The loan must be repaid after graduation this cause a trouble for many for many of them.

Two third of the Student Loan Center`s more than 200 thousand active customers already started the repayments and more than 5000 people are not able to pay for more than 6 months. Who is not paying the installments for 6 months will receive a notice from the tax office.
The Hajdu-Bihar County Tax office received more than 1000 complains from the student loan office and started cases against 500 persons to get back more than 400 million Huf.

The recruitment of student loans should not need a guarantor, so if you have no income or property they will not be able to recover the money but as you start to have salary they got the right to get 33% off from your net salary as a repayment.

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